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Lieutenant Colonel Mustafa Kemal commanded the 19th Turkish Infantry Regiment during the fighting at Arıburnu and resisted the Anzac raid. Seventy years after the battles, the site of the landing of Australian and New Zealand troops was recognised by the Turkish Government

It was recognised as “Anzac Cove”. And an inscription was placed in this bay. The Australian Government reciprocated this gesture

On 25 April 1985, a garden was built around the Atatürk Monument. The area around the monument is covered with Aleppo pines grown with seeds taken from the “Lone Pine” in Gallipoli. 

Heroes who shed their blood on the soil of this country! 

You are here on the soil of a friendly homeland. Sleep in peace and serenity.

You are side by side with the Mehmetçiks. Mothers who sent their sons to war from distant lands! Dry your tears. Your sons are in our bosom, they are in peace and they will sleep in peace. After they have given their lives in this land, they have become our sons. 

Kemal Atatürk 1934